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Centralized Log

Centralizing the log is a method to redirect your log to a separate file and save it. Centralizing the log in a file is always helpful if you want to transmit it to a third-party application like Splunk or Logstash.

To check the status of the Chef Automate from deployment with channel and type, run the following command:

chef-automate status

Viewing Logs

To view the logs, run the following command:

journalctl -u chef-automate -f

Click here to learn more about Log Management.


The Operating system has two modules that should be present in your environment:

  1. Rsyslog
  2. Log Rotate

The above modules come by default with all the operating systems we support.

Centralize the Log in a File

Once you centralize the log, you can run the above command sparingly to check the log. The configuration to centralize the log in a file is shown below:

redirect_sys_log = true //centralize the log
redirect_log_file_path = "PATH OF THE LOG FILE" //set the location of the log file. syntax: /var/tmp/

In the above specifications:

  • Setting the property redirect_sys_log to true will centralize the log in a document format.
  • The default location of the log file is /var/tmp/ as shown above. You can save the log file in your desired locations and mention the location in the above redirect_log_file_path property.


  • The default value of redirect_sys_log is false.
  • If the value of redirect_sys_log is set to true, it is necessary to mention the file’s location in the redirect_log_file_path property, or it will throw an error: Please specify a log path location using redirect_log_file_path.

Patch the Log Configuration

Once you have created the automate.log file, patch the above configurations to chef automate. Patching the configuration will start transmitting the automate.log file wherever the location is specified in redirect_log_file_path.

sudo chef-automate config patch config.toml

Configuring Log Rotation and Retention

The centralizing log also comes with log rotation with the following specifications:

redirect_sys_log = true ##centralize the log
redirect_log_file_path = "/var/tmp/" ##set the location of the log file
compress_rotated_logs = true ##compress the log file
max_size_rotate_logs = "10M" ##set the max size of the file. syntax: 10M, 90k
max_number_rotated_logs = 10 ##number of backup files to be stored

In the above specifications:

  • To compress the logs, set the value of compress_rotated_logs to true. The default value of compress_rotated_logs is false.
  • The max_size_rotate property sets the limit after which you want to rotate the log. The default value of max_size_rotate is 10M, i.e., the logs will rotate once the file size reaches the limit of 10Mb. You can also set the value of max_size_rotate in KB.
  • The max_number_rotated_logs property sets the number of file logs you want to save in your backup. Using this property, you can limit the number of backup files in your storage. The maximum number of log files you can store is 10 per day.


The default value of max_number_rotated_logs is 10M. If you don’t want to keep more than one log file in your storage, set the value of max_number_rotated_logs to 1.

Configure Logs for OpenSearch in Chef Automate HA

To configure the centralizing log feature for OpenSearch in Chef Automate HA, run the following command:

chef-automate config patch --opensearch <file/path/to/toml>

Configure Logs for PostgreSQL in Chef Automate HA

To configure the centralizing log feature for PostgreSQL in Chef Automate HA, run the following command:

chef-automate config patch --postgresql <file/path/to/toml>

Log Consolidation using Splunk

Splunk consolidates all the log data and pushes it to a central, accessible, easy-to-use interface. Here, the Splunk forwarder here will view the data outside the local environment. Assuming that you already have your Splunk forwarder installed, run the following command to start Splunk Universal forwarder:

[system@ABC]# cd splunkforwarder/bin
[system@ABC]# ./splunk start --accept-license

The above command will start your spunk forwarder.

Now, edit the inputs.conf file on your Splunk Forwarder as shown below:

[system@ABC]# ./splunk add monitor /var/tmp/automate.log

In the above command, /var/tmp/ is the location of the automate.log, which you can change accordingly. Running the above command will show the following:

Added monitor of '/var/tmp/automate.log'

The above statement confirms that the value of the monitor in input.conf has been updated to var/tmp/automate.log. Open the input.conf file just to confirm whether the content in the file is as expected. The expected content is:

disabled = false

Restart your splunk forwarder using the following command:

[system@ABC]# ./splunk restart

The above step will let you view the automate.log file in your splunk forwarder. Click here to know about the Splunk Forwarder.

Log File

NOTE: redirect_log_file_path is a directory where automate.log file gets created.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can Automate HA be set up and configured to write the logs of all the nodes to a centralized log file?

This requires Automate HA to do the following steps to set up the log location and configure it.

  • Mount and NFS or network-attached storage to all the nodes. Create a log location using the following steps:
    • Create an EFS.
    • Mount the EFS in all the Frontend and Backend nodes of Automate HA.
  • Configure Automate HA nodes to redirect the journal logs to the same file inside the mounted location.
    • To set up logrotate on Automate sudo chef-automate config patch <patch_conf.toml> --a
    • To set up logrotate on Chef Server sudo chef-automate config patch <patch_conf.toml> --cs
    • To set up logrotate on OpenSearch sudo chef-automate config patch <patch_conf.toml> --os
    • To set up logrotate on Postgres sudo chef-automate config patch <patch_conf.toml> --pg
  • Check if all the node logs are shown in a single log file.
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