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Plan Settings

Habitat reserves some names for internal use. You can set all of these values in your plan and use them as variables in your Habitat code.

For example:

# Set the packag name
# Call the package by name
# Set the packag name
# Call the package by name

General Settings

Short definition. How to use. How habitat uses. If required other settings. Type: String, array, boolean,etc. Default: if any. Optional/Required
Sets the name of the package. Can contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. By default, Chef Habitat uses pkg_name, pkg_origin, and pkg_version to create the fully-qualified package name. Type: string. Required.
The name of the origin for this package. Can contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. The HAB_ORIGIN environment variable overrides the pkg_origin Type: string. Required.
Sets the version of the package By default, Chef Habitat uses pkg_name, pkg_origin, and pkg_version to create the fully-qualified package name. You can set the value through the pkg_version() function. Type: string. Required.


Habitat uses the guidelines of the semantic versioning specification to determine version order (see Keep in mind that including a hyphen in your version indicates that the package is a pre-release that will be given lower precedence to other versions.
The name and email address of the package maintainer. Type: string.Optional.
pkg_maintainer="Your Name <>"
$pkg_maintainer="Your Name <>"
One or more valid software licenses that relate to this package. Type: array. Optional.


If your package has a custom license, use a string literal matching the title of the license. For example, you’ll see pkg_license=('Boost Software License') for the cmake plan.
A URL that specifies the location from which to download an external source. Any valid wget url will work. Typically, the relative path for the URL typically contains the pkg_name and pkg_version values. Type: URL. Optional.
The filename for the finished artifact. By default, Chef Habitat ] constructs this from pkg_name and pkg_version. Type: string. Optional.
The sha-256 sum of the downloaded pkg_source. If you do not have the checksum, generate it by downloading the source and using the sha256sum or gsha256sum tools. Override with do_verify(). When the value is unset or incorrect and you do not override it with do_verify(), then the build output of your package will show the expected value. Type: varchar(64) or char(64). Required when providing a valid URL is provided for pkg_source, but is otherwise Optional.
The dependencies that your packages needs at runtime. Refer to packages at three levels of specificity: origin/package, origin/package/version, or origin/package/version/release. Type: array. Optional.
pkg_deps=(core/glibc core/pcre core/openssl core/zlib)
$pkg_deps="(core/glibc core/pcre core/openssl core/zlib)"
The dependencies your package requires at build time. Type: array. Optional.
pkg_build_deps=(core/gcc core/linux-headers)
$pkg_build_deps="(core/gcc core/linux-headers)"
An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where libraries can be found. Used to populate LD_FLAGS and LD_RUN_PATH for software that depends on your package. Optional.
An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where headers can be found. Used to populate CFLAGS for software that depends on your package. Optional.
An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where binaries can be found. Used to populate PATH for software that depends on your package. Optional.
An array of paths, relative to the final install of the software, where pkg-config metadata (.pc files) can be found. Used to populate PKG_CONFIG_PATH for software that depends on your package. Optional.
The command for the Supervisor to execute when starting a service. This setting requires pkg_bin_dirs to place package binaries in the path. If your package hs complex start-up behaviors, use a run hook instead. Omit this setting for packages that are designed for consumption by other packages instead of being run directly by a Supervisor. Optional.
pkg_svc_run="haproxy -f $pkg_svc_config_path/haproxy.conf"
Configuration data that will be passed between peers. The keys in this array are used with pkg_exposes and for any consuming services that set pkg_binds or pkg_binds_optional. An associative array in Bash or a hashtable in Powershell. Type: array. Optional.

In this example, the corresponding default.toml file would have the following key/value pairs defined:

    port = 80
    host = ""

    port = 443
An array of pkg_exports keys containing default values for the ports that this package exposes. These values are used as sensible defaults for other tools, such as when exporting a package to a container format. Optional.
pkg_exposes=(port ssl-port)


In addition to specifying the keys you defined in pkg_exports, you must have a default.toml file indicating the port values to expose.
An associative array (or hashtable in Powershell) representing services which you depend on and the configuration keys that you expect the service to export (by their pkg_exports). These binds must be set for the Supervisor to load the service. The loaded service will wait to run until its bind becomes available. If the bind does not contain the expected keys, the service will not start successfully. Optional.
  [database]="port host"
Same as pkg_binds but these represent optional services to connect to. Optional.
  [storage]="port host"
An array of interpreters used in shebang lines for scripts. Specify the subdirectory where the binary is relative to the package, for example, bin/bash or libexec/neverland, since binaries can be located in directories besides bin. This list of interpreters will be written to the metadata INTERPRETERS file, located inside a package, with their fully-qualified path. Then these can be used with the fix_interpreter function. For more information on declaring shebangs in Chef Habitat, see Plan hooks, and for more information on the fix_interpreter function, see Plan utility functions. Optional.
The user to run the service as. Default: hab. On Windows, if the hab user does not exist then the service will run under the same account as the Supervisor. Optional.
Assigned service group for the package. Not used in a plan.ps1. Type: string. Default: hab. Optional.
The signal to send the service to shutdown. Not used in a plan.ps1. Default: TERM. Optional.
The number of seconds to wait for a service to shutdown. After this interval the service will forcibly be killed. Not used in a plan.ps1. Default: 8. Optional.
A short description of the package. It can be a simple string, or you can create a multi-line description using markdown to provide a rich description of your package. This description will be displayed on the Web app when users search for or browse to your package. Type: Text.Required for core plans, but otherwise Optional.
pkg_description=$(cat << EOF
  # My package description
  This is the package for the foo library. It's pretty awesome.


Escape all special characters other than #. The hab-plan-build script interprets unescaped characters as code during the package build.
An upstream project homepage or website URL. Optional.
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