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aws_api_gateway_domain_names resource

Use the aws_api_gateway_domain_names InSpec audit resource to test the properties of multiple AWS API Gateway domain names.

For additional information, including parameters and properties, see the AWS documentation on AWS APIGateway DomainName.


This resource is available in the Chef InSpec AWS resource pack.

See the Chef InSpec documentation on cloud platforms for information on configuring your AWS environment for InSpec and creating an InSpec profile that uses the InSpec AWS resource pack.


Ensure that the domain name exists.

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  it { should exist }


This resource does not require any parameters.


The custom domain name as an API hostname. For example,

Field: domain_name

The certificate name used by the edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name.

Field: certificate_name

The reference to an AWS-managed certificate that is used by the edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name. AWS Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

Field: certificate_arn

The timestamp when the certificate used by the edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name is uploaded.

Field: certificate_upload_date

The domain name associated with the regional endpoint for this custom domain name. You can set up this association by adding a DNS record that points the custom domain name to this regional domain name. The regional domain name is returned by API Gateway when creating a regional endpoint.

Field: regional_domain_name

The region-specific Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the regional endpoint. For more information, see Set up a Regional Custom Domain Name and AWS Regions and Endpoints for API Gateway.

Field: regional_hosted_zone_id

The certificate name used for validating the regional domain name.

Field: regional_certificate_name

The reference to an AWS-managed certificate used to validate the regional domain name. AWS Certificate Manager is the only supported source.

Field: regional_certificate_arn

The Amazon CloudFront distribution domain name associated with this custom domain name for an edge-optimized endpoint. You can set up this association when adding a DNS record pointing the custom domain name to this distribution name. For more information about CloudFront distributions, see the Amazon CloudFront documentation.

Field: distribution_domain_name

The region-agnostic Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID of the edge-optimized endpoint.

Field: distribution_hosted_zone_id

The endpoint configuration of the domain name showing the endpoint types of the domain name.

Field: endpoint_configuration

The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.

Field: domain_name_status

An optional text message containing detailed information about the status of the domain name migration.

Field: domain_name_status_message

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version and cipher suite for this domain name. The valid values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2.

Field: security_policy

The collection of tags.

Field: tags

The mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.

Field: mutual_tls_authentication

The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain.

Field: ownership_verification_certificate_arn


Test to ensure the domain name is available

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  its('domain_names') { should include 'DOMAIN_NAME' }

Test to ensure a regional hosted zone ID is available

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  its('regional_hosted_zone_ids') { should include 'REGIONAL_HOSTED_ZONE_ID' }

Test to ensure that the domain name status includes AVAILABLE

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  its('domain_name_statuses') { should include 'AVAILABLE' }


This InSpec audit resource has the following special matchers. For a full list of available matchers, please visit our Universal Matchers page.

The control passes if the get method returns at least one result.


Use should to test that the entity exists.

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  it { should exist }

Use should_not to test that the entity does not exist.

describe aws_api_gateway_domain_names do
  it { should_not exist }

AWS Permissions

Your Principal will need the APIGateway:Client:DomainNames action with Effect set to Allow.

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