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knife org

The knife org subcommand is used to manage organizations and users in Chef Infra Server.


The recommended best practice is to use the Chef Infra Server user- and org- commands to manage organizations and users instead of this subcommand. The Chef Infra Server command line tool already has the permissions that you need to manage organizations and users. Using Chef Infra Server commands centralizes the access and application of sensitive commands, which is important for system security and security audits. See the chef-server-ctl documentation for more information.

Required Permissions

  • Administrator permissions are required to add, remove, or edit users.
  • The pivotal key is required to manage organizations, or change a user’s assignment to an organization.

The knife common options are available to this (and all) knife subcommands and plugins.

config.rb Setup

Unlike other knife subcommands the subcommands in the knife-org plugin make API calls to the root of your Chef Infra Server API endpoints.

The chef_server_url for your Chef Infra Server installation typically looks like this:

chef_server_url ''

To configure knife-opc, set the chef_server_root option to the root of your Chef Infra Server installation:

chef_server_root ''

If your chef_server_url configuration ends with /organizations/ORG_NAME (as shown above), this setting defaults to


User subcommands or options are added under knife user. See the knife user documentation for more information.

org create

Creates a new Chef Infra Server organization. The private key for the organization’s validator client is returned.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org create ORG_NAME ORG_FULL_NAME (options)


This argument has the following options:

-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME

Write private key to FILENAME rather than STDOUT.

-a USER_NAME, --association_user USER_NAME

Associate USER_NAME with the organization after creation.


knife org create acme2 "The Other Acme" -a arno

org list

Show a list of all organizations in your Chef Infra Server installation.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org list (options)


This argument has the following options:

-w, --with-uri

Show corresponding URIs.

-a, --all-orgs

Display auto-generated hidden orgs.


knife org list -w -a
acme: https://chef-server.fqdn/organizations/acme

org show

Shows the details of an organization in your Chef Infra Server installation.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org show ORG_NAME


knife org show acme
full_name: Acme
guid:      cc9f9d0d4f6e7e35272e327e22e7affc
name:      acme

org edit

Edits the given Chef Infra Server organization.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org edit ORG_NAME


knife org edit Acme -e nano
{"name"=>"Acme", "full_name"=>"Acme Z", "guid"=>"dea05074c4566f81d9d3228f4ad9bcd3"}
Saved Acme.

org delete

Deletes the given Chef Infra Server organization.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org delete ORG_NAME


knife org delete acme2
Do you want to delete the organization acme2? (Y/N) Y
full_name: The Other Acme
guid:      2adec1140cf777a15d82d9099304da71
name:      acme2

org user add

Adds a user to an organization. Requires that the named organization and user both exist.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org user add ORG_NAME USER_NAME


This argument has the following options:

-a, --admin

Add user to admin group.


knife org user add acme2 alice

org user remove

Removes a user from an organization. Requires that the named organization and user both exist, and that the user is currently associated with the organization.


This argument has the following syntax:

knife org user remove ORG_NAME USER_NAME


This argument has the following options:

-f, --force

Force removal of user from the organization’s admins and billing-admins group.


knife org user remove acme2 alice
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